What you can find on your profile page #
Your profile is a place where you can find several things associated with your user account. There you can find:
- Timeline: Here you can find all the things you have posted on the feed. All the posts you have “liked”, and more.
- Profile: Edit your name, nickname, role and other information.
- My tasks: A compilation of all your tasks across all the groups you participate in, organized by group.
- Connections: The list of users you’ve connected with.
- Groups: All the groups you participate in.
- Courses: All the courses that you’ve been enrolled in.
- Send invites: If you’re an organizer, you will be able to invite others to join your portal.
- Documents: A section to store your documents and organize them.
How to edit your profile information #
- Once you’ve accessed your profile page, click on the “Profile” section on the left to find your profile details.
- On the right hand side of your screen, click on “Edit”.
- Add all the information you need to update.
- Click on “Save changes”